Code of Conduct

Guidelines for respectful behavior and fair play.

Commit to Cooperation and friendship

My Neighbor Alice (“MNA”) is a multiplayer builder-game where players build and create their own virtual lands in the islands of Lummelunda, interact with neighbors, meet new friends, perform exciting daily activities, and earn rewards. Anyone can join the world by owning a piece of the virtual islands and participate in various activities such as farming, fishing, bug catching, and beekeeping. Activities, shared quests, and competitions bring valuable rewards and upgrade neighbors’ status in the game.

My Neighbor Alice will have a reputation system that rewards players as good landowners with increasing benefits (up to participating in the Community Council). You and your neighbors work on shared goals and join resources to complete fun activities. We are creating a friendly and fair community. Fairness means that MNA is free from cheating, misuse of game systems, and all forms of harassment and behavior that prevent any neighbor from having fun and playing.

In case you or any other neighbor consistently fails to uphold this commitment to cooperation, friendship, and fairness and does not refrain from cheating, misuse, or harassment, MNA will take action to protect the rest of the community and encourage that neighbor to reform their behavior. As such, our warnings and penalties aim to address the specifics of disruptive behavior rather than being overly punitive or restrictive.

Behavior Expectations

To foster an environment that lives up to the values above, we expect every member of the community to commit to the following behaviors:

Respect Your Neighbors

Enable your neighbors and friends to perform their best by treating them with dignity, trust, and respect.

We expect and encourage you to:

  • Treat others as they wish to be treated. If you don’t know, ask.

  • Be aware of and respect individual differences and experiences. MNA is a global community.

  • Stop using a term if someone asks you not to use it—even if you don’t think it’s offensive. Not everyone shares the same understanding of your meaning or intent.

  • Own up to poor word choice and move forward. Everyone makes mistakes.

  • Communication channels are a shared space. Keep the community focused on coordination and cooperation.

It is not allowed to:

  • Use abusive language, slurs, or any forms of hate speech.

  • Make jokes about people.

  • Make threats of any kind, not even as a “joke.”

  • Expect others to “toughen up” to tolerate your language.

  • Spam channels.

Protect Yourself and Your Neighbors

Use your own good judgment to build the community you want to play in.

We expect and encourage you to:

  • Set the standard for good behavior by exemplifying the values and expectations set forth here. Encourage others to do the same.

  • Use language filters, mutes, opt-out tools to protect yourself if communication channels become harmful and report to MNA any breaches of the Code of Conduct.

  • Step in to support other players who are being attacked and report the attackers to MNA.

It is not allowed to:

  • Call for mass reports. One report is enough.

  • Let another neighbor bring you down to their level. Mute and report them instead.

Be Your Own Defence

You are responsible for your account, devices, personal information, and conduct.

We expect and encourage you to:

  • Use strong passwords and keep all your devices secure.

  • Let us know as soon as possible if you think your account has been hacked here.

  • Make sure you thoroughly trust and understand any third-party tool or program you use before you activate it.

  • Log off when you get up from a computer, especially if it's not yours.

It is not allowed to:

  • Run third-party programs that interfere with gameplay.

  • Let friends play on your account. Accounts have a one-person limit.

  • Share personal information with strangers—yours or anyone else's.

  • Doxxing is not allowed.

  • Impersonate anyone. That includes community figures and anyone else.

  • Misuse external information to disrupt a game or get an advantage.

Behaviors The Community Rejects

  • Offensive language, hateful speech, sexual harassment.

  • Cheating through ie third-party exploits, hacks, bug abuse, account sharing, account boosting.

  • Offensive or inappropriate usernames.

  • Intentional feeding, in-game harassment, sabotage.

  • Threats such as to physical harm, emotional abuse, doxxing, bullying.


If you violate the expectations described here, we may restrict your privileges, delete your user account, or access to features in our games. Restrictions serve to shield the community from future disruption and provide an opportunity to reflect on the behavior that led to the restriction. We strive to restrict based on the disruption caused and to avoid action that is needlessly punitive or harsh.

Consequences for violating the Code of Conduct can include (but are not limited to):

  • Loss of the ability to use in-game communication systems and assets such as NFTs.

  • Restricted access to social systems and features.

  • Removal of rewards or content found to be obtained inappropriately.

  • Temporary or indefinite suspension.

Last updated