πŸ“œContract addresses

One of the beauties of having a game powered by blockchain technology is the freedom to trade assets in marketplaces outside of the game.

However, it's important you make sure you are trading authentic items from the game. To do this, always check the contract addresses of the items when visiting external websites.

Here is list of relevant contract addresses:

  • Land (BNB Chain) - 0xE218144C228863B03CCf85D120FD5b71BF97F3F4

  • Animals (BNB Chain) - 0x828e90cef49b3baea41590ebf7f274d49f845dbb

  • $ALICE (BNB Chain) - 0xAC51066d7bEC65Dc4589368da368b212745d63E8

  • $ALICE (Ethereum) - 0xac51066d7bec65dc4589368da368b212745d63e8

Of course, these addresses do NOT cover all the items existing in our game ecosystem. If you are unsure about the authenticity of an item in an external marketplace, always feel free to reach out on our Official Telegram or Official Discord.


Buying $ALICE on the BNB Chain and Ethereum won’t make any difference in the future, but, for now, only $ALICE living on the BNB Chain can be used inside the game.

The reason is simple: My Neighbor Alice lives on the Chromia blockchain and items must be on this blockchain to be used in the game. At the moment, we only have the capability to bridge to Chromia $ALICE living on the BNB Chain.

Last updated