🌀Game Loop

The Lummelunda Archipelago is a world full of resources and adventures.

The key game loop, as shown in the picture, is based on the following pillars:

  1. Gathering: Each land has resources waiting to be extracted. To successfully gather these resources, you will need the right tools. Different tools will help you collect various types of resources from the lands of the Archipelago.

  2. Refine: The resources you gather from the Archipelago are in their raw form. You'll need to refine them using specialized refinery machines. This refinement process transforms raw resources into refined resources that can be used for crafting.

  3. Crafting: With refined resources at your disposal, you are ready to craft a wide variety of items. This includes building furniture, clothing, and other decorative items. These crafted items allow you to express yourself by wearing unique outfits and personalizing your portion of the Lummelunda Archipelago, making your in-game experience uniquely yours.

  4. Progress: Players naturally progress by engaging in any of the activities within the loop. This progression unlocks access to better resources, advanced tools, and higher-level crafting items.

The core game loop illustrated is mixed with a solid narrative-driven component. The Archipelago is indeed full of characters with quests to complete. Completing quests will reward you with blueprints and tickets containing secret formulas for crafting unique items.

To learn more about the blueprints and tickets, please read the next section which is entirely dedicated to Crafting.

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