Burn NFTs
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When a user crafts a Prime Item, they mint an NFT in-game with 🌸 $ALICE.
A percentage of the $ALICE spent will be locked inside the NFT: we call this Collateral.
This collateral effectively guarantees a floor price for the NFT, since the locked $ALICE can be reclaimed at any time by burning (destroying) the item.
A burning fee in $ALICE will be charged for destroying the item.
To destroy any Prime Item, go to the Marketplace Staking page.
Choose the item you wish to Burn → Click on 'More Action' → Follow the instructions.
Once destroyed, the collateral $ALICE will be returned to your in-game wallet balance.
You can see your balance on the Beta Access page, where you can decide how to use it next: to craft another item or to withdraw it to your wallet.