When a user crafts an item (mints an NFT) in the game, a percentage of the purchase price remains locked inside the NFT: we call this Collateral. (As of now, 50% of the purchase price remains locked in the NFT as Collateral)
This collateral can earn you extra $ALICE if the items containing it are staked during the Staking Periods announced through our social media channels.
Please be aware that the specified percentage is not fixed and may also vary depending on specific items (depending on the rarity, for example. More information will be shared over time!). In Beta Season, for example, of the selling price of all the items crafted with $ALICE token, 50% of the amount will be counted as collateral.
How to stake
You can easily monitor and manage staked $ALICE NFTs directly on our Marketplace. Simply connect to our Marketplace, click on your profile, and you will find the 'Staking' section.
This page will display all your crafted items in-game, current APY, staking start and final date, and of course accumulated rewards.
The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) may be subject to changes in the future.
Each item shows how much $ALICE is used as collateral, giving you a clear view of your assets. We're committed to keeping things open and transparent for you.
To start staking, simply click on the 'Stake' button, and the collateral amount will be added to the 'Total Staked'. Once the staking start date arrives, you will begin receiving rewards. After this date, the staked amount will be locked until the staking final date.
How to claim rewards
You can easily check how much unclaimed $ALICE is in your wallet and instantly claim them whenever you want. Additionally, you can also check details regarding your recently claimed rewards.
Last updated